Long Beach Internet Marketing Services

As a Long Beach resident – I spent a few years in the Belmont Shores area before moving to Bixby Knolls – , I am particularly excited to work with local businesses in need of serious marketing help.
Lumiere Marketing provides a wide selection of Internet marketing and advertising services, including SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click) services which are the foundations of any solid Internet marketing strategy. I also strongly suggest using our social media marketing services as we take them to the next level to give websites strong search engine rankings. With our Web design service, we can also create an easy, modern website that will target your customers.
Why should you hire Lumiere Marketing? What makes us different is the unique combination of 15+ years of experience in online marketing, an MBA and web design skills which will give you a competitive advantage. In addition, I am a real local resident (not a shady company with a fake Long Beach listing) who believes in supporting his community .
For more info or to get a quote, contact us here.